Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do I get my friend into hunting?

She say's she hates it but I don't think she does she always wants to shoot my bow and arrow and my guns.

I told her I would go take a hunters safety course with her but she says no.

How can I get her into it????How do I get my friend into hunting?
get a coyote after her. hand her a gunHow do I get my friend into hunting?

there's a big difference between target shooting and hunting.

if she doesn't want to do it, it's her choice not to, never force anybody to hunt, if you like it, that's your choice. keep in mind that if you try to force a friend to do something they really don't want to do, you might hurt the friendship a bit since you'd be practically giving that person orders. you should respect what she wants to do, if she's a target shooter, then thats what she is.

you never know, see might come around on her own and want to join you on one of your hunting trips, always invite her, but don't bug her about it, let her make her own choice.

I have friends who don't hunt, just like the idea of perfecting a form of art, making a new record is their goal, ours is bagging that animal.
DON'T try to push her into it, she'll only hate it more and you might lose a friend..and dare i say it...she might even join PETA. o.O

maybe offer to take her hunting with you, if she spends enough time out in the woods she might start liking it, and also want to hunt.

there's lots of people that shoot bows/guns and haven't hunted a day in their life. hunting isn't for everyone.

edit: wow i dropped your little friend a e mail trying to tell her why we hunt...not because we think ';they did something wrong'; no..that would be retarted. but no she must turn around and be immature and throw around names. maybe try finding a friend thats more mature...

funny to, because i bet she eat's meat...wonder what that cow did wrong?
FIRST.. if shes an anti-hunter, forget about it you cant change there stubborn minds......

SECOND.. tell her how fun your having, tell her how the woods come to live when your sitting out there. show her some pictures.

THIRD...tell her you aint letting her shoot your guns untill she comes with you, if she dont come with you, i bet shell stop asking to shoot your belongings....:)
Suggest its good times to be had and fun memories to be made, in the end its not about the actual harvest but quality time spent with family and friends, good luck
Cook her an awesome meal with wild game.
Show her some photos and how much fun she will have if she agrees... You never no what she might say.
uh oh well your in the dog house.. don't force her

let her decide i'm a hunter
The only problem I have with hunting is that fact that you are KILLING inocent animals that have done nothing wrong.

I will take the course with you and get the license but I will not be going hunting

EDIT: Oh and too the person that said cook her wild game, I have had wild game before and that doesnt change my opinion about hunting

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