Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why are so many people against hunting?

I have taken a hunting class which has taught me that hunting is a form of population control. I also wanna know if the people against think its worse than the fact that we herd cattle for years just to kill them?Why are so many people against hunting?
Because they are ignorant of the facts, which they regularly ignore, even when proven to be true. In fact, the anti-hunters tend to scream all the louder, as the truths are proven again and again.

Humankind survived for well over 100,000 years because of hunting.

Your second question is an accellent question.

Farm raised beef cattle wander around limited acrage with not much of a life.

Wild game race through forests, enjoy their freedom and make babies with their mates. They live much as they did 500 years ago.

The problem is that as they make more and more babies, they use up the grazing lands. The result is that they all start starving to death.

The very reason that we have so many richly populated hunting lands, full of fresh and healthy game...is because of a hunter. A hunter whom also happened to be the President of The United States.

His name was Teddy Rooseveldt.

He created the National Parks Service. Demanded that hunters buy a hunting license, and the funds be used to preserve state and federal hunting lands, national parks and game preserves.

Trust me, if the ';Anti-Hunting'; crowd had their way, there wouldn't be a game animal left on this planet after a hundred years.

They'd all be dead from starvation or disease.

As usual, ';Liberals'; do not think ahead when it comes to the cost of their wild, emotionally motivated lawsWhy are so many people against hunting?
* They are not against Hunting.* Only 15% of all of the people in America are against Hunting.* 75% of the People approve and are in favor of Hunting.* 10% have not made up their mind one way or the other.* You are mistaken about the Majority being against Hunting.*
Because of ignorance. Some people fail to remember that we (humans) are animals too. And because of our high intelligence we have in some ways become apex predators like sharks, wolves, and lions. An animal lover will go on and on about this and that but fail to remember that animals kill each other every day and we are as I said also animals.

Oh and about being cruel and inhumane, how does it feel to be shredded in a sharks mouth? Not a nice way for a seal or tuna to go. I'm in no way saying to kill off the sharks but just pointing out, humans are not the first species to kill.
It depends on if you are hunting for something that you will consume (eat, use it's fur, etc), or hunting because you like to kill things especially if they are endangered or not in season.
They are ignorant and ignore the fact that us hunters are helping nature by keeping game species numbers in check so that they won't overpopulate and starve and negatively affect other species.
Because people are stupid, that's the simplicity of it. Good luck with your hunting.
Because they are ignorant.
They are animal lovers which is wrong.
who cares.....it's legal to do and they can't do anything about it
population control?? u guys r destroying species in a cruel and hurtful manner.. how about you control the population by shooting yourself and then come back and ask why people are so against hunting
cuz bullets hurt like hell. imagine u getting shot n suffering and considering that as a ';sport';. that's why. cuz it's cruel.
because is cruel,and nobody can take the life from any alive being
because it is murder

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