Friday, August 6, 2010

In Christianity is hunting considered a sin?

I was not sure and was worried because i had done sme hunting.In Christianity is hunting considered a sin?
no, why would it be -

There are many hunters in the Bible- God has given us meat to eat, how else is one to get it- as long as you use ethical hunting practices and make use of what you kill there is no need to worryIn Christianity is hunting considered a sin?
In the old days it was a necessity.

As a sport it may take too much from family time and family monies to yield little in real terms.

Some do not spend a bundle doing so and do it for food .

Some animal like deer, rabbits, most native birds, I do not eat.

To me it is more for protection from bears and moose in rutting season. That is not a threat to me often.

Some enjoy and the time away is needed vacation to them. They miss their spouse and children. Thereby returning to home/
If you're doing it to help reduce the numbers of creatures that are

* in danger of eating up all available food and starving,

* pests to agriculture, business or human life or safety, or

* for your own food, then how could it be?

If it is only so you can brag or destroy a life, then I'd have to say that your motivation was rather ill advised.
I don't think many Christians consider hunting a sin. Some Seventh Day Adventists are vegetarians, so they would be opposed to eating what you hunt. But I think they believe that way for health reasons. I don't think they are specifically opposed to hunting.
It is not a sin to hunt or fish. Matter of fact God says, it's ok in the Bible. He says, that man shall rule over the creatures that crawl, swim and walk the earth. God gives mankind permission to kill animals for food please refer to your Bible (Genesis 9:2-3).

Hope this helps.

Happy Hunting,
Depends on what you are hunting and why.

Hunting for food is fine.

Hunting for a Godly wife is fine too ask long as you use charm and not a club.

Hunting for a good Bible preaching church is a good thing to hunt for.
if you hunt for food I see no problem, if you hunt and give the meat to a food bank (after having it processed professionally, they will take it) or friends, where would the problem be? even Ted Nugget hunts big time, but he knows that you hunt to eat.
yes i'm pretty sure it is, it's murder, taking a life away just for your own satisfaction. Not every thing you eat has to be tainted with blood. Look in the mirror and say to your self, are you any different from a killer? Didn't the ten commandments tell you not to kill?
If your conescience bothers you about hunting then you probably should avoid it if you are a believer. But if you enjoy hunting and have no problem, it's not a sin as far as I can tell. I know a pastor of a church that hunts deer.

Hunting is never a sin.

Salvation is a FREE GIFT that happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus! It is impossible to lose or ';leave'; salvation (John 6:39-40, 1 John 5:13).

The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross as FULL PAYMENT for all our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what!

Please pray now: ';Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!'; You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)
Hunting isnt a sin, dont worry about it, God gave us that for food and expects us to put it to use. If you are just killing the animals and not using them for anything, then it is wasting Gods gift, and is considered a sin.
If hunting is done for food, then I don't see anything wrong with it. If it's done for sport, it's just cruel. Killing anything for no reason is immoral. That's not a Christian view, per se, but it is mine.
In Genesis, after the Flood, God said that the animals were then able to be eaten by man. So, it is ok to hunt, as long as you don't waste, and don't do it on Sundays, out of respect.
God gave us authority to all animals. So yes, we can hunt. However, please don't torture animals as they are also God's creation.
I think that would be a matter of personal conscience. But I don't believe that God approves of random killing just for the sake of killing.
Only if you're hunting christians
If you are putting animals in a pen and then taking them out of the pen just for sport, yes!! (For food, no.)
Nah.Samson was a big game hunter.
Not in the ';Bible Belt';......
were the animals fluffy and cute? if not then its not a sin

God allows us to hunt, but not to be cruel.
Did you waste the food? if so then yes.

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